本中心是一所髮型設計研習中心,提供不同類型的髮型設計課程,讓有意投身該行業或對髮型設計有興趣的人士提供一個學習平台。另外亦為客戶提供全面而貼身的護髮及美髮服務,包括售買各類不同的護髮及美髮產品、提供護髮及美髮的知識等,讓客戶親身感受擁有美髮的榮耀感。 課程編號 課程名稱 內容 堂數/小時 備註 00606 專業電染課程 認識頭髮結構和自然生長方向、電髮工具的種類及原理、按不同髮質選用電髮 药水
C美容 / 教學進修C&S頭髮護理中心

本店係一對一教學 一路做一路講, 有咩唔明都可以直接問我, 或者我見到你手勢有問題亦可以即時更正, 適合初學、全無美甲經驗或想擁有一技旁身者, 使學員更快更易掌握技術及物料應用基礎, 保證在最短時間可掌握到一定技巧, 學後可以幫自己整還可以幫其他人整, 只需付出少少就可擁有畢生受用的技能~得益的是自己^^ 讀完課程既學生95%成功就業 80%自己開鋪 上堂後有咩唔明都可以打黎問,亦可選擇免費補堂
N美容 / 教學進修Nail's beautiful shop

Price: HKD 696,888 HKD 599,888 Category: Cars Region: Central Main Features Colour: Black Seats: 1 Capacity(cc): 4196 Mileage(km): 13286 Transmission: Automatic Licence till: Year: 2008 Model: XF 4.2

HKDR BACKGROUND AND HISTORY HKDR was set up in 2002, registered as a Society in August 2003 and in March 2005 gained full charity status. It is run by founder, Sally Andersen, with the support of man
H寵物 / 會社、組織及團體Hong Kong Dog Rescue

洗眉洗眼線洗紋身收費: 全對洗眼線/眉:$400 一次 $1200任做 局部洗眼線/眉:$200 一次 $1000任做 激光洗紋身/唇線收費: 紋身:$400 up $4000任做 唇線$400 $1500任做 預約及查詢: 98087679 Queenie Hung 地址:九龍觀塘駿業里10號業運大廈9樓E室 不出血、不結痂、恢復快、不破壤毛囊、不損傷正常皮膚、只選擇性的清除色素,卻不傷害真皮

About WWF Hong Kong - Overview WWF Hong Kong is one of Hong Kong's leading environmental charitable organisations. We have been working since 1981 to ensure a better environment for the present and f
寵物 / 會社、組織及團體元洲仔自然環境保護研究中心

Tak Sing Alliance Group was founded by Mr. Ma Kai Cheung who started a jeans manufacturing business under the name of "Tak Sing Garment Factory" in Hong Kong in 1967. As a result of rapid b

TheFirm Academy was set up to provide an international grade of training programmes for our own staff. We have further developed these programmes to include community eductation groups and are please
T美容 / 教學進修The Firm

MENCE was founded by Mence's mother in 1980. With emerging fitness business and men's increasing awareness towards skincare and body toning. MENCE indentified a niche market that could provide enormo
M美容 / 男士美容Mence Beauty

新娘外租頭飾服務 每款新娘頭飾 每款 $100up 按金 $200up 以上所有租借頭飾已三日兩夜出租 以上按金歸還後 , 如沒有損壞會即時退還全部按金 以上飾物歸時如有損壞需照價賠償 以上飾物不適用零售 你可以到這相簿看看我的飾物那一件適合你 http://hk.photos.yahoo.com/bettychan_artist
B結婚 / 婚戒鑽飾Betty's Artist WEDDING HOUSE

Company Profile Founded in 1998, Aim4You is an aggressive established computer company with a passion for excellence combined with a solid history of high-tech experience. We have a high reputation f
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫雅仕利貨訊網絡顧問

Mona-Rae® Diamonds is inherited from family heritage in Antwerp since 1956 and the founder of Mona-Rae® Diamonds takes pride in being the second diamond craftsman who cut & polish the &ld
M結婚 / 婚戒鑽飾Mona-rae Diamonds Ltd

We are a one stop solution provider, always young at heart and dynamical. Innovation is the wellspring of Ocean Unicorn growth. To consolidate our market influence, Ocean Unicorn has established a co
手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫海麟科技有限公司

欣林鮮花 在於2006年12月正式名為 Flower`s House ,由於成本不斷上升,現在由花墟地舖變成細小的網路花店,但依然歷史悠久。我們產品為價廉物美和選用新鮮花材、也為顧 客提供尊貴意見、服務及保證。歡迎致電 傳真 或電郵 查詢及訂購。 本花店已經營 三代 ,歷史悠久,承接中西靈堂佈置、棺面花球、花籃、花圈及花牌等,糅合傳統及現代設計,專業人員提供全面妥善鮮花服務、莊嚴專業、誠信可靠、

special offer Auto 1 Club details on request Auto 1 Car Care Service details on request Regular Maintenance Package details on request Extended Warranty Package details on request Anti-Rust Undercoat
A汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠Auto1 車專業服務有限公司

T he Business and Professionals Federation of Hong Kong (BPF) is a membership organisation. Members are business and professional people who share the common goal of stability and prosperity for Hong
商業 / 會社、組織及團體香港工商專業聯會

The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club was officially inaugurated on 16th December 1982. Although the grand vision to build this three in one facility comprising country club, golf and marina fac
T旅遊 / 遊樂會及渡假村The Clearwater Bay Golf & Country Club

[NEW FACE UP] BLACK & WHITE ☆ Monnie + Sin [06JAN2007] 活動 主題 : BLACK & WHITE 活動 日期 : 06 JAN 2007 (星期六) 活動 時間 : 02:00 pm - 04:45 pm 活動地點 : 尖沙咀 Highview Caf é Price : 1 session $150 〔包飲品〕 Style

Professional Freelance Programmer 專業自由程式員 本人為 Hong Kong Freelance programmer , 多年Freelancer 經驗, 具責任心. 多年貴公司建立了一個設計良好的網站 , 能在不同渠道開拓業務 , 有沒有想過能與參觀貴公司網站的潛在客戶有互動 , 取得他們資料 並作出市場分析 , 建立一個客戶關系和產品服務管理系統 , 把營
F手機電腦互聯網 / 程式編寫Freelance Programmer

掌握改變!成為別人眼中的 魅力情人 ! Website: http://www.btlforyou.com/consultant/Annie ( 現已多達 500 多張相片供參考 ) 專業美容化妝師 Annie Siu 從旁為妳指導,特別專注幫妳了解自己的面形線條特性, 讓你在 找到屬於自己外在形象特質, 創造非人人可的個別化妝技巧 !! 讓您成為受大眾歡迎,由內到外散發魅力的理想情人! Ann
s美容 / 教學進修sharingblue
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